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 Jiangsu New Hantong HI
 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group
 Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding
 Dalian Shipyard (DSIC)
 New Times Shipbuilding
 Beihai Shipbuilding HI

180,000 DWT Capesize Bulk Carrier -- Designed by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding (SWS)

  • The Vessel to be a single screw ocean going BulkCarrier have topside tank, hopper and single side skinin way of cargo space, with forecastleandstem, a transom stern and open  water type of stern frame, a semi-balanced rudder and a fixed pitch propeller directly driven by a slow speed marine diesel engine.
  • The vessel to be  suitable for the transportation of  coal and iron ore.
  • All accommodations including navigation bridge and propulsion machinery to be located after.
  • Double bottom to be extend between the fore peak bulkhead and the aft peak bulkhead.


Length o.a.: 292.00 m
Length b.p.: 286.40 m
Breadth, moulded: 45.00 m
Depth, moulded: 24.90 m
Designed draft, moulded: 16.10 m
Scantling draft, moulded: 18.30 m
Deadweight @Ts 180,000 ton


Cargo holds: 197,000 m3
Ballast water tanks 79,600 m3 (including No.6 hold)
Heavy fuel oil: 4,000 m3
Fresh Water tanks: 540 m3
MGO tanks: 340 m3


Main Engine: WINGD W6X72-B Tier-II/III (SCR), as option MAN B&W 6G70ME-C10.5
Service Speed: 15.0 kn (15% sea margin)
Fuel Consumption: 38.2 mt/day (Tier-III)

187,000 DWT Capesize Bulk Carrier -- Designed by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (SWS)

The seventh generation capesize bulk carrier to be designed as a single screw, slow speed diesel engine driven, ocean going Bulk Carrier.The vessel to be capable of carrying grain, coal and iron ore, having a deadweight capacity of approximately 187,000 metric tons.The vessel having one complete flush upper deck with forecastle and stem, a transom stern and open water type of stern frame, a semi- balanced rudder, and a fixed pitch propeller directly driven by a slow speed diesel engine.
All accommodations including navigation bridge and propulsion machinery to be located aft.Double bottom to be extended between the fore peak bulkhead and the aft peak bulkhead. The cargo space to be divided into nine (9) holds. Fuel Oil Tanks to be arranged at Topside Wing Tanks in way of No. 9 Cargo Holds (P & S) and in the engine room all with cofferdam at ship’s sides, having features of environment friendly-green concept.

- Length (o.a.):                 abt. 299.88 m
- Length (b.p.):                      294.00 m
- Breadth, moulded:                    47.50 m
- Depth, moulded:                      24.70 m
- Designed draft, moulded:             17.50 m
- Scantling draft, moulded:            18.00 m
- Deadweight, design draft:    abt. 180,500 mt
- Deadweight, scantling draft: abt. 187,000 mt

- Cargo holds:                 abt. 208,000 m³
- Ballast water tanks:         abt.   80,000m³ (including No. 6 hold)
- Heavy fuel oil tanks:        abt.   4,800 m³
- Diesel oil tanks:            abt.     340 m³
- Fresh water tanks:           abt.     470 m³

SERVICE SPEED:  abt. 14.50 kn (design draft, at 81.7% SMCR with 15% sea margin)

ENDURANCE: abt. 24,000 n.m.


- ABS:  +A1, (E), Bulk Carrier, BC-A (holds 2,4,6 & 8 may be empty), CSR, SafeShip-CM, +AMS, +ACCU,TCM, GRAB(25) ,POT, GP,CPS, PMA,  ESP, ENVIRO, UWILD, RW.
Or other equivalent notations of BV, LR, DNV.

- No. 1 Hatchway:             16.500 m x 16.235 m
- No. 2~8 Hatchway:           22.000 m x 16.235 m
- No. 9 Hatchway:             16.500 m x 16.235 m
The hatch covers shall be of weather tight and shall be of 2-panel side- rolling type operated by rack and pinion with electro-hydraulic oil motors. Cargo hatch covers shall be built-up as single skin construction with peaked top.

- Model:                      1 x MAN-B&W 6G70ME-C(Mark9.2)
- SMCR:                       17,218 kW × 82.0 r / min
- NCR:                        14,067 kW × 76.7 r / min
- Fuel oil consumption:       abt. 50.90 mt / day

- Main diesel generators:     3 x 900 kW x 900 r / min
- Emergency diesel generator: 1 x 200 kW x 1,800 r / min

Orderbook   (* the orderbook for reference only, details please contact with the shipyard !)
No.Ship's Name / Hull No.Vessel TypeOwner CompanyShipyardDeliveryContract Date
1Jiangsu New RongshengBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCapital Maritime & TradingJiangsu New Rongsheng HI2026 - 032024 - 12
2Hantong Wing HT210-434Bulk Carrier, 211,000 tonsUnknownJiangsu New Hantong HI2026 - 102024 - 12
3Jiangsu New RongshengBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCapital Maritime & TradingJiangsu New Rongsheng HI2026 - 062024 - 12
4Thea ZhongtuoBulk Carrier, 211,000 tonsZhongtuo International ShippingLianyungang Wuzhou Shipbuilding2026 - 062024 - 12
5Jiangsu Hantong HT210-435Bulk Carrier, 211,000 tonsUnknownJiangsu New Hantong HI2026 - 112024 - 12
6Lianyungang Wuzhou Wz2502Bulk Carrier, 211,000 tonsZhongtuo International ShippingLianyungang Wuzhou Shipbuilding2026 - 122024 - 12
7Qingdao BeihaiBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsMitsui O.S.K Lines (MOL)Beihai Shipbuilding HI2028 - 022024 - 11
8Qingdao BeihaiBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsMitsui O.S.K Lines (MOL)Beihai Shipbuilding HI2027 - 092024 - 11
9Qingdao BeihaiBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsMitsui O.S.K Lines (MOL)Beihai Shipbuilding HI2027 - 062024 - 11
10Qingdao BeihaiBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsMitsui O.S.K Lines (MOL)Beihai Shipbuilding HI2028 - 042024 - 11
11JMU Ariake 5315Bulk Carrier, 183,000 tonsUnknownJMU Ariake Shipyard2026 - 062024 - 09
12Qingdao Yangfan 210KDWTBC-05Bulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsSeatankers ManagementQingdao Yangfan Shipbuilding Industry2028 - 082024 - 09
13Qingdao Yangfan 210KDWTBC-06Bulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsSeatankers ManagementQingdao Yangfan Shipbuilding Industry2028 - 112024 - 09
14JMU Ariake 5314Bulk Carrier, 183,000 tonsUnknownJMU Ariake Shipyard2026 - 062024 - 09
15JMU Ariake H5348Bulk Carrier, 180,000 tonsSamos Steamship Co.JMU Ariake Shipyard2026 - 092024 - 08
16JMU Kure 5331Bulk Carrier, 182,000 tonsUnknownJMU Kure Shipyard2027 - 102024 - 08
17HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2028 - 032024 - 08
18HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2027 - 092024 - 08
19HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2027 - 072024 - 08
20HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2027 - 052024 - 08
21HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2027 - 032024 - 08
22HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2028 - 072024 - 08
23HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2028 - 052024 - 08
24HantongBulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsCOSCO Shipping Bulk (中远海运散运)Jiangsu New Hantong HI2027 - 122024 - 08
25CSBC 1219Bulk Carrier, 210,000 tonsChinese Maritime Transport (CMT)CSBC Corp2026 - 072024 - 08
Records: 130,   Page: 1  2  3  4  5  6  

  Re: Capesize Bulk Carrier
How much a Cape size vessel of 210000 DWT will cost ,Bulk carrier with 3 cranes on it.

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China Shipbuilding, 2014