Multl - Purpose Vessel
8,000 DWT Multi-Purpose Heavy Lift Vessel (Dual Fuel)

The vessel to be designed as an ocean-going multi-purpose vessel driven by a four strokes Dual Fuel engine with C type LNG tank on board, suitable for carrying containers, dry bulk cargoes, general cargoes, forest products, steel coil, project cargoes, heavy cargoes, long pieces, and dangerous goods etc. for normal worldwide operation. The hull to have raked stem, bulbous bow, transom stern with double bottom and double skin. The vessel to have one cargo hold. All accommodations including navigation bridge are to be located aft.
Two deck cranes of SWL 100t to be equipped, can be combined for lifting 200t heavy cargo. CPP, shaft generator, full spade rudder with bulb, bow thruster and suitable energy saving devices shall be provided. The design to fulfill all latest rules and regulations including EEDI, Fuel Oil Protection, SOLAS2009 and EU Dirctive2005/33/EC etc.
- Length (o.a.): 99.99 m
- Length (b.p.): 93.80 m
- Breadth moulded: 20.50 m
- Depth moulded: 12.00 m
- Design draught: 7.20 m
- Scantling draught: 8.40 m
- Deadweight (Dt): 5,850 t
- Deadweight (Dt): 8,000 t
- Service Speed: 13.4 knots
- Endurance: abt. 4,000 n.miles (Service Speed)
- Germanischer Lloyd
GL + 100A5, Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship, E3, BC, G(20), IW, BWM(D1,D2), DG, DBC, Strengthened for Heavy Cargo, Equipped for Carriage of Containers, LC + MC, E3, AUT, EP-D, CM-PS
- Type: El.Hyd. single boom crane
- SWL: 100t x13m /60t x20m 2 sets
- Cargo hold: 10,000 m3
- LNG: 500 m3
- Diesel Oil MGO: 170 m3
- Lubricating Oil: 30 m3
- Fresh Water: 100 m3
- Ballast water tank: 4,000 m3
- Heavy fuel oil tank: 600 m3
- On deck: 216 TEU
- In hold: 195 TEU
- Total: 411 TEU
- Reefer (on deck): 56 FEU
- Type: 1 X Wartsila 9L34DF T-III
- MCR: 4500 kW x 750 r/min
- CSR (85%MCR): 3825 kW x 750 r/min
- Gas consumption(CSR): 14.2 t/d
- Shaft Generator: One (1) x 700 kW
- Main Generator: Two (2) x 1110 kW (wartsila 6L20DF)
- Emergency: One (1) x 150 kW
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12,500 DWT Multi-Purpose Heavy Lift Vessel, 2 X 250 Ton Crane

The vessel to be designed as an ocean-going multi-purpose vessel driven by a two stroke low speed diesel engine, suitable for carrying containers, dry bulk cargoes, general cargoes, forest products, steel coil, project cargoes, heavy cargoes, long pieces, and dangerous goods etc. for normal worldwide operation. The hull to have raked stem, bulbous bow, transom stern with double bottom and double skin. The vessel to have two (2) cargo holds, including one long hold of 76.5m. All accommodations including navigation bridge are to be located aft. Two (2) deck cranes of SWL 250t to be equipped, can be combined for lifting 500t heavy cargo. FPP, flap rudder, bow thruster and suitable energy saving devices shall be provided. The design to fulfill all latest rules and regulations including EEDI, Fuel Oil Protection, SOLAS2009 and EU Dirctive2005/33/EC etc.
- Length (o.a.): 147.00 m
- Length (b.p.): 140.00 m
- Breadth moulded: 22.80 m
- Depth moulded: 11.55 m
- Design draught: 7.50 m
- Scantling draught: 8.10 m
- Deadweight (Dt): 10,810 t
- Deadweight (Dt): 12,460 t
- Service Speed: 15 knots
- Endurance: abt. 10,200 n.miles (Service Speed)
- Germanischer Lloyd
+ 100 A5, Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship, E3, BC G, IW, BWM(D2), DG, DBC,
Strengthened for Heavy Cargo, Equipped for Carriage of Containers , LC
- Cargo crane: Two (2) SWL 250t x 18m / 45t x 35m electro-hydraulic single type deck cranes
- Bow thruster: 600 kW (CPP)
- Cargo hold: 17,600 m3
- Ballast water tank: 5,800 m3
- Fresh water tank: 170 m3
- Heavy fuel oil tank: 600 m3
- MGO tank: 170 m3
- On deck: 522 TEU
- In hold: 316 TEU
- Total: 838 TEU
- Reefer plug: 50 FEU
- Type: 1 X MAN B&W 5G45ME-C9.5 Tier-III
- SMCR: 4800 kW x 94 r/min
- F.O.C: abt. 15.8 t/day (+5% tolerance)
- Generator: 3 X 500 kW
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20,000 DWT Multi-Purpose Heavy Lift Vessel (Front Bridge)

The vessel is designed as a multi- purposed vessel driven by a two stroke, low speed diesel engine & CPP, suitable for carrying containers, dry bulk cargoes, general cargoes, project cargoes, steel coil, heavy cargoes, long pieces, and dangerous goods etc. The vessel to have ONE (1) single hold. The length of cargo hold is abt. 93m. The vessel able to operate open hatch at 10,000 DWT with dedicated stowage locations for hatch covers. The vessel is equiped with 2 sets of 800t Crane and designed to comply with ICE Class 1A and for worldwide operation.
Principal Particulars
- Length (o.a.): 158.00 m
- Length (b.p.): 149.30 m
- Breadth moulded: 28.00 m
- Depth moulded: 15.40 m
- Design draught: 8.60 m
- Scantling draught: 9.45 m
- Deadweight at Td: 16,800 t
- Deadweight at Ts: 20,500 t
- Complement: 28 P
- Curising Rang: 15,000 N.M
Class Notation
- GL + 100 A5 G Multi Purpose Dry CargoVessel,"Strengthed for Heavy Cargo"
"Equipped with Carriage of Container" ,Environmental Passport,BWM,IW,DG, E3
+ MC Aut
- or equivalent
Container Capacity
- On deck: 760 TEU
- In hold: 600 TEU
- Total: 1,360 TEU
Tank Capacity
- Cargo Hold: abt. 30,000 m³
- Heavy Fuel Oil: abt. 1,300 m³
- M.D. O. tank: abt. 300 m³
- M.G. O. tank: abt. 300 m³
- Fresh Water: abt. 500 m³
- Ballast Water: abt. 12,500 m³
Main Engine, Speed & Consumption
- Type: MAN B&W 5G50ME-C9.5 TIII
- CMCR 8300 kW x 100 r/min
- CSR 5810 kW x 100 r/min
- FOC: 22.3 t/d (@CSR)
- Service Speed: 15.5 kn
- Gas consumption: 22.30 t/d (@CSR)
Power Supply
- Main Generator: Three (3) x 800 kW
- Emergency: One (1) x 150 kW
Cargo Crane: 800t x 20m / 60t x 43m 2 set
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The vessel to be designed as an ocean-going multi-purpose vessel driven by a two stroke low speed diesel engine, suitable for carrying containers, dry bulk cargoes, general car goes, forest products, steel coil, project cargoes(blades), heavy cargoes, long pieces, and dangerous goods etc. for normal worldwide operation. The hull to have erect stem, transom stern with double bottom and double skin. The vessel to have three (3) cargo holds. All accommodations including navigation bridge are to be located aft. Two (2) deck cranes of SWL 200t can be combined for lifting 400t heavy cargo. FPP, full spade rudder, bow thruster shall be provided . The design to fulfill Tier III and all latest rules and regulations including EEDI, Fuel Oil Protection, SOLAS2009 and EU Dirctive2005/33/EC etc.
Principal Particulars
- Length (o.a.): 185.00 m
- Length (b.p.): 181.40 m
- Breadth moulded: 26.70 m
- Depth moulded: 15.20 m
- Design draugh: 9.30 m
- Scantling draught: 10.30 m
- Deadweight at Td: 25000 t
- Deadweight at Ts: 29000 t
- Complement: 30 p
- Curising Rang: 15,000 n.m.
Class Notation
- DNVGL 100A5, Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship, IW, BWM, DG, DBC,Equipped for Carriage of Containers, LC + MC, AUT
- or equivalent
Cargo Capacity
- tween deck out of hold: abt. 41700 m³
- tween deck in hold: abt. 39500 m³
Cargo Crane
- Type: single electric VFD crane
- SWL: 200t x30m 2 sets
- SWL: 60t x31m 2 sets
Container Capacity
- On deck abt.980 TEU
- In hold abt.770 TEU
- Total abt.1750 TEU
- Reefer plug (on deck)abt.100 FEU
Tank Capacity
- Heavy Fuel Oil: abt.1500 m³
- Diesel Oil: abt.200 m³
- Lubricating Oil: abt.100 m³
- Fresh Water: abt.320 m³
- Ballast Water: abt.9000 m³
Main Engine, Speed & Consumption
- Type: Wartsila 6X52 Tier III HP SCR 1 set
- MCR: 7000 kW x 79 r/min
- CSR(0.90MCR): 6300 kW x 76.3 r/min
- FOC(@CSR Tier III): 24.2 t/d
- Service Speed (T=10.3m, Bft.2): 15.1 kn (at CSR, with 15% sea margin)
- Propeller: FPP
- Rudder: full spade
- Bow thruster: 1 x 800kW, CPP
- Ballast pump: 2 x 500 m³/h
- Ballast water treatment plant
- MGO system for EU port |
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32,000 DWT Multi - Purpose Heavy-lift Vessel

The vessel is designed as an ocean-going single screw diesel driven multi-purposed heavy-lift vessel. The vessel has fore peak tank, aft peak tank, three (3) cargo holds, ballast tank, aft deckhouse, engine room & accommodation & Navigation Bridge arranged at stern. The vessel shall have three (3) heavy lift cranes, seven hundred (700) ton weights (including lift beam) shall be lifted with neighboring two cranes, which shall be used for loading & unloading oversize, overweight goods or equipment. The length of No.2, 3 cargo holds is fifty (50) meter. No.2 & 3 cargo hold shall be divided into two parts with longitudinal bulkhead, and tween deck & tween box shall be placed at four levels in every cargo hold. The vessel own super flexibility to carry different goods. The vessel shall carry about 1,900 TEU.
- Length (o.a.): 189.90 m
- Length (b.p.): 184.00 m
- Breadth moulded: 28.00 m
- Depth moulded: 15.50 m
- Draught,design (Td): 9.50 m
- Deadweight at Td: 27.212 t
- Crane: 3 x 350 t
- Burtoning: 700 t
- SERVICE SPEED: 15.7 kn
- ENDURANCE: 18,000 n.miles
- Model: Wartsila 6RT-Flex-50D
- MCR: 10,470 kW x 124.0 r/min
- CMCR: 8,350 kW x 99.0 r/min
- Fuel oil consumption: 30 t/day
- Main generator: 3 x AC 450V 3 phase 60Hz abt. 910 kW
- Emergency generator: 1 x AC 450V 3 phase 60Hz abt. 170 kW
- On deck: 1028 TEU
- In hold: 895 TEU
- Tolal: 1923 TEU
- HOMO.14T: 1284 TEU
- Cargo hold tank capacities: 43,044 m³
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(* the orderbook for reference only, details please contact with the shipyard !)
No. | Ship's Name / Hull No. | Vessel Type | Owner Company | Shipyard | Delivery | Contract Date |
1 | Zhenhua ZPMC1140 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 59,800 tons | Unknown | Shanghai Zhenhua HI | 2025 - 12 | 2024 - 06 |
2 | Zhenhua ZPMC1139 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | Unknown | Shanghai Zhenhua HI | 2025 - 12 | 2024 - 04 |
3 | Hongsheng HS2024003 | Suction Dredger, 7,895 tons | Unknown | Zhejiang Hongsheng Shipbuilding | 2025 - 06 | 2024 - 03 |
4 | Eastern 230 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | United States Govt Army Engineering | Eastern Shipbuilding, Panama City | 2027 - 11 | 2024 - 01 |
5 | Xin Zi Lang 8 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 42,100 tons | Jiangsu Haihong Construction | Jiangsu Haixin Shipping Heavy Industry | 2025 - 06 | 2024 - 01 |
6 | Magdalena | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 2,105 tons | Boer Baggerbedrijf | IHC Holland, Kinderdijk | 2026 - 05 | 2024 - 01 |
7 | Shen Gang Jun 3 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 12,400 tons | Unknown | Zhoushan Ningxing Shipyard | 2025 - 03 | 2024 - 01 |
8 | IHC Holland CO01317 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | Boskalis | IHC Holland | 2026 - 04 | 2023 - 10 |
9 | Conrad 1343 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock | Conrad Shipyard | 2025 - 02 | 2022 - 09 |
10 | Cochin SH37 | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | Dredging India Ltd | Cochin Shipyard | 2025 - 09 | 2022 - 03 |
11 | Ananda 226/131 | Cutter Suction Dredger | Bangladesh Inland Water Transport | Ananda Shipyard & Slipways, Sonargaon | 2025 - 06 | 2022 - 03 |
12 | Ananda 226/130 | Cutter Suction Dredger | Bangladesh Inland Water Transport | Ananda Shipyard & Slipways, Sonargaon | 2025 - 06 | 2022 - 03 |
13 | Frederick Paup | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | Manson Construction | Keppel AmFELS, Brownsville | 2025 - 02 | 2020 - 09 |
14 | Ima | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 735 tons | Cohidro | Estaleiro Rio Maguari, Belem | 2025 - 01 | 2019 - 08 |
15 | Osteriff | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 12,500 tons | Wasserstrassen und Schifffahrt | Pella Sietas, Hamburg | 2025 - 01 | 2016 - 12 |
16 | Inai Jasmine | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd | Selat Melaka Shipbuilding, Pulau Indah | 2024 - 12 | 2009 - 01 |
17 | Inai Saffron | Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger | Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd | Selat Melaka Shipbuilding | 2024 - 12 | 2009 - 01 |