China Shipbuilding
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新造船展开 新造船
Atlantica Shipping
Atlantica Shipping AS
Parkveien 57, Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 12 2300

挪威船东。挪威 Blystad 集团子公司。
The Blystad Group
The Blystad Group
Haakon VIIs gt. 1, 11th floor, 0161 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 23 11 82 70
Fax: +47 22 83 21 51

Songa Shipmanagement Ltd
2 Marchfield Drive, Abbotsinch, Paisley PA3 2RB, Scotland, ...
Arne Blystad contracts boxship newbuilds at Huanghai Shipyard (2021-11-17)
Songa Box Holding as contracting for two 1,800 teu ships at Huanghai Shipyard for delivery September and November 2022. No price has been revealed.

Songa Box Holding was set up by Norwegian ship o...
黄海造船获得挪威“Blystad”两艘1800箱支线型集装箱船订单 (2021-11-17)
星散航运收购“Songa Bulk”的整支船队 (2018-05-15)
纽交所上市的希腊船东星散航运(“Star Bulk”)将通过支付现金及股票交易的方式收购“Songa Bulk”的整支船队。星散表示,将发行1370万股新股票,并支付1.45亿美元的现金收购“Songa Bulk"15艘现代型散货船。该交易的现金部分由星散航运通过招银金融租赁获得的五年期1.8亿美元融资款支付。


China Shipbuilding, 2014