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Van Oord

Van Oord NV
Schaardijk 211, 3063 NH Rotterdam
Tel: +31 88 8260000
Fax: +31 88 8265010

荷兰工程船、挖泥船东。Van Oord成立于1868年,是世界知名的海工工程服务公司,是迪拜的棕榈岛以及苏伊士运河扩建工程的主要承建商。Van Oord的船队主要由各型海工工程船为主,规模超过100艘,其中包括20艘料斗容量为1000立方米-38000立方米的耙吸式挖泥船。

Fleet   (* the fleet for reference only, details please contact with the ship owner !)
No.Ship NameShip TypeShipyardDate of Built
1NexusCable Layer, 6,578 tonsDamen Galati2014 - 12
2StornesPipe Burying Vessel, 26,648 tonsYantai CIMC Raffles Shipyard2011 - 06
3NordnesPipe Burying Vessel, 25,924 tonsJ.J. Sietas2001 - 08
4BravenesPipe Burying Vessel, 17,831 tonsSinopacific Zhejiang2017 - 12
5MerseyWater Injection Dredger, 204 tonsGebr. Kooiman Shipyard, Zwijndrecht2021 - 07
6MaasWater Injection Dredger, 204 tonsGebr. Kooiman Shipyard, Zwijndrecht2021 - 04
7VOX ArianeTrailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 8,887 tonsKeppel Singmarine, Singapore2022 - 04
8BiesboschCutter Suction Dredger, 64 m.loaIHC Dredgers, Holland2016 - 04
9AthenaCutter Suction Dredger, 2,426 tonsIHC Dredgers, Kinderdijk2011 - 09
10ArtemisCutter Suction Dredger, 2,426 tonsIHC Dredgers, Kinderdijk2013 - 04
11WerkendamGrab Hopper Dredger, 880 tonsNeptune Shipyards, Hardinxveld2018 - 07
12Volvox OlympiaTrailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 6,355 tonsvan der Giessen, Krimpen2003 - 05
13Vox MaximaTrailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 43,401 tonsIHC Dredgers, Kinderdijk2009 - 11
14Vox AmaliaTrailing Suction Hopper Dredger, 20,922 tonsConstrucciones Navales del Norte, Sestao2020 - 03

Orderbook   (* the orderbook for reference only, details please contact with the ship owner !)
No.Ship Name (Hull)Ship TypeShipyardDate of DeliveryDate of Contract
1BoreasWind Turbine Installation PlatformYantai CIMC Raffles Shipyard2024 - 062022 - 01

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China Shipbuilding, 2014