China Shipbuilding
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Shenzhen Energy Group (深能源)
深圳市能源运输有限公司,Shenzhen Energy Group Co Ltd

Fleet   (* the fleet for reference only, details please contact with the ship owner !)
No.Ship NameShip TypeShipyardDate of Built
1Jia TongBulk Carrier, 75,700 tonsJiangnan Shipyard2011 - 04
2Jia TaiBulk Carrier, 75,650 tonsJiangnan Shipyard2011 - 07
3HarmonyBulk Carrier, 75,615 tonsJiangnan Shipyard2011 - 11
4PeaceBulk Carrier, 75,597 tonsJiangnan Shipyard2011 - 09
5Jia XiBulk Carrier, 75,151 tonsHudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding2009 - 06
6Jia ChangBulk Carrier, 69,064 tonsImabari Shipbuilding, Marugame1997 - 11

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China Shipbuilding, 2014